JOB, from 46 to 50

Olympic Lifting: What an extraordinary sport. Obviously we snatch, sometimes at least 2 times We cleans. Every day you have a core impact, a kind of Squats or lunges. And of course, we smile, what is life, without it ?

The JOB is a pleasure to program, power, strength and volume. The Barbell is the Queen of all the physical qualities. Barbell Complex, barbell cycling, Heavy, light… what I love, is the research, this week…

EDT: Escalading Density Training, Shotgun Method, Ondulation Cluster, EMOM weightlifting. Hell Squat method. Mtor method.

It sounds Crazy…

And, my friend, some exercises of my week: Cronus squat, zercher lunges, waiter plate lunges, supinated rows, Snatch complex, OHS, Front squat, Arms wrestler curl, Landmine movements.

Together, we have a lot to share, Hope you will like my atypical approach of training. The Zen style The Bar and You, the moment is the key, do I give all I have ? Am I Here and Now ? Strong and Efficient.

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