A Week of programming.
Kwodapp, approach the training from a lot of scientific angles. Some of them will suits to you, some won’t. But every day is different, sometimes it rains, sometimes the sky is sunny. The best way to see life, is without fighting against odds. Let the natural things flow, and beRead More…
Week of Kwod, 46 to 50
The objective of a program, when it’s not personalized, is to cover all a human needs. So the question to answer Is : what do you need as a Man or woman ? Despite of the unique aspect of each individual, what can I do for your health and performanceRead More…
Why should you do Girevoy sport ?
The Girevoy Sport, is an unknown activity. Moreover , his practice is austere, and difficult. Everywhere in the world, this is the Russians who dominate this sport … And unfortunately, it’s sometimes complicated to share informations on different cultures with distant countries. In addition to : our speaking language isRead More…